Battle of the Brushes: Which Toothbrush is Best?

Battle of the Brushes: Which Toothbrush is Best?

Aug 16, 2019

Most of the people have the problem of choosing the toothbrush. They don’t seem to get what kind of toothbrush should be used, and if you’re thinking about toothbrush of different brands, then this is not what we are talking. We are talking about the dilemma of choosing toothbrush either from electric or manual. This is the big dilemma which people most of the time face while purchasing toothbrush. To solve this problem dentists in Raleigh suggested pros and cons list of each type of brush.

Manual toothbrush

This is the most common toothbrush which most people are using, and it has benefits because of which it got popular. As per dentist in 27617, you can easily find this kind of toothbrush near the bathroom counter almost in every home.


This is one of the cheaper toothbrushes in the market, and you can get it from any drug store You will find many brands have come up with different kind of toothbrushes in different sizes. This provides you wide range of choice You can replace it every three months, and if you forget this you can buy a new one at any drug store.You don’t need to worry about the battery or anything else. It is very simple to use.


  • A manual toothbrush needs a good habit and discipline to get perfect teeth
  • You also need to make sure that you do it properly and make sure that you give proper time

Electric toothbrush

  • This is a new innovative idea where people start using an electric toothbrush. It started becoming popular because it reduced the effort of the people and also many dentists in Raleigh NC suggest them.


  • An electric toothbrush uses all kind of motion which is required at the time of brushing of teeth
  • It reduces the effort of the people and makes it easy to brush teeth.
  • It also comes with a timer, so you keep track on that


  • These electric brushes are very expensive; it come in the range of $25 to $100
  • You need to take care of your toothbrush and make sure that it would not be lost
  • You need to buy the right kind of brush; you can consult with the dentist near you or Brier Creek Family Dentistry. They provide you the rightkind
  • of advice which you are looking for.

We are offering excellent dental care for every patient who needs general and cosmetic dentistry. Proudly accepting patients from the following surrounding areas:

  • ACC Blvd
  • TW Alexander Dr
  • Brier Creek Pkwy
  • Umstead
  • Bethesda
  • Clegg
  • Oak Grove
  • Northwest Raleigh
  • Genlee
  • North Raleigh